Hope International Ministries


HIM Intranet is a resource centre which is open to Unit Leaders and above (or equivalent role) from HIM family of churches. The Intranet contains Christian education resources, leadership training materials, sermon notes and other useful resources. If you do not have access yet, please hit the Apply button. For further enquiries, please write to Nicola at admin@byhim.org. 

Leadership Development Programme

It is the Eldership Team’s heart to help pastors and their core teams breakthrough in the leadership of their churches in a systematic, wholistic and sustainable way. Hence, the Leadership Development Programme (LDP) is birthed. The LDP has a three-pronged aim of equipping in practical application of leadership concepts, nurturing leaders in spiritual growth and fostering competency in leadership skills of growing a global community of multiplying disciples. In 2022, the LDP launched “Breakthrough 50”, with the first batch of courses to help your church or groups break the 50 people mark. A new batch of courses are now open for registration.


Ps Wilson and Ps Lai Ling created this ministry equipping website to provide training for leaders, intercessors and prophetic ministries. New content will be produced twice monthly and it is all free! Check it out and subscribe to receive regular newsletter updates.

30-Day Evangelism Challenge

Are you looking for a simple and easy way to share the love of Christ with those around you? The 30-Day Evangelism Challenge is here to help! The objective of this challenge is to mobilise every member in your local church to be involved in lifestyle evangelism. You and your life group can share your testimony, pray for others, and share the gospel in a way that’s both simple and easy.

Access this resource by logging into the Intranet.