Christian Campus Movement (CCM) Conference 2015

Over the past weekend, 233 passionate students and leaders came together at Watson Park Convention Centre for a 3-days CCM Conference from 10th – 12th July. Under Hope Church Brisbane’s covering, this was the sixth conference organised by CCM Brisbane, gathering students from University of Queensland (UQ), Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and Griffith University (GU). This year, the theme is “The Cause: It’s Worth Fighting For”, aiming to challenge the young and vibrant generation to stand for the kingdom’s cause of Great Commission, in saving souls, making disciples and building/planting churches. 

Besides all the great fun of team-building and outdoor activities, it was exciting to sit under the Word of God over different sessions throughout those three days, capturing the urgency, the costs and the call behind The Cause. We had the privilege to hear from our senior pastor, Pastor Wilson Lim and the heartfelt sharing of other senior leaders during an interview session about The Cause they have been fighting for.

God moved so powerfully throughout the conference and we witnessed 13 people proclaiming their faith in Christ by being water baptised and several were baptised in the Holy Spirit. Those three days were amazing, seeing deepening of fellowship among brothers and sisters across the services and the transformational work of God upon many hearts.

It was thrilling to see many take the step of faith to join in the fight for God’s Cause. Together as CCM across campuses, we are embarking on ‘The Campus Cause: One more for Jesus this week”. Through various avenues, whether hosting students, offering help, praying for healing or sharing the message of hope to bridge people to Jesus. Many have responded to the call and are willing to invest themselves to lift up the name of Jesus on campus and beyond.

God is stirring up a deep passion and conviction in hearts. He is raising a new generation who will fight to bring His love and hope to Brisbane, Australia and beyond.

“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

Zhuan Khai Lim, Hope Brisbane Church
