Hope International Ministries

The Timeless Heart of Obedience

By Jasmine Ramos, Hope Roxas

I am 11 years old from Hope Roxas, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines. I was from Hope Kids, but now I am a core team member of Jeremiah Life Group. I am also a kids teacher in our Life Group. When I was a kid, I didn’t know Jesus nor have an intimate relationship with Him. I learned to speak bad words, was short-tempered and had a habit of reasoning. I did not change even when I attended church because I couldn’t understand the deeper truths of the Word of God.

Later on, I decided to dedicate myself to Jesus and commit to every church gathering. I started to know who Jesus is; He is my Personal Saviour and gave His life to save me. Eventually, I started to understand the grace and love of God. I started to have a hunger and excitement for the Word of God.

During the beginning of the pandemic, I asked my shepherd if I could participate in fasting and prayer that was being held in our church regularly every end of the month amongst mentors and leaders. I was amazed to see them growing in their faith and deepening their relationship with the Almighty God. She asked me if I could skip a meal because I may be too young to participate in three days of fasting and prayer. But I was determined to join, so I said, “Yes! I can!” As a result, my leaders allowed me to join.

God spoke to me in Jeremiah 1:7,

“But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you.”

I realized that age is not a hindrance to preaching the Word of God but it’s our part to obey and respond to His calling. Not more than two months later,  I supported our Life Group in Tauga, a small village in our area, where there were so many children and youth who attended our Life Group. I cannot believe that I am chosen by God to handle these kids. I was truly amazed because I am now a teacher to them. I learned to have patience and how to handle them practically. I remember the old times when I was like them; naughty and stubborn. I am glad that God is using me to extend His Kingdom on earth and allowing me to be a blessing, especially to kids who do not know Jesus. I am so grateful to God because He guided me to fulfill His mandate and I really experienced His grace and provision. 

To support the kids, I picked fruits like guyabano (soursop) and gabi (taro) leaves from our crops and sold them. I also learned to give my tithes from the money I earned and the remaining were used to support the Life Group to buy prizes for the kids. I disciplined myself not to spend it buying unhealthy street food. I chose to eat fruits, which are more beneficial and good for my health, especially during the pandemic. By the grace of God, He transformed me. I learned to be patient, gentle and obedient toward my leaders and shepherd. Now, I am even more determined to grow into a Christ-likeness by faithfully spending devotional time online with Ablaze Cabuyao and Mindoro, reading and meditating on the Word of God every day and applying it in everyday-ordinary life as I yield to the conviction and power of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. One thing I learned; if God called you, He will enable you. So, let us make ourselves available and respond to Him immediately without wasting our time. We should be willing to take part, obey and fulfill the Great Commission God has given us. 
