Hope International Ministries

Category: HIM Family

HIM Family

Illuminated in God

Shine brightly, for we are people of the light in the Lord! Read more about Hope Queensland’s annual church conference in this edition of Advance.

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HIM Family

In the Waters of Faith

A spiritual rebirth as a symbol of hope. Rejoice with us as we celebrate the baptism held by Hope Kuching in this week’s Advance.

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HIM Family

Restoring Hearts

True transformation is when hearts are restored by the Holy Spirit. Read more about Hope Newcastle’s 11th anniversary in this edition of Advance.

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HIM Family

Shining Bright

A light shining brightly illuminates up your workplace, neighborhoods and even schools. Witness Hope Canberra shining for God during their church camp in this week’s Advance.

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HIM Family

Parcels of Joy

With concerns for a single meal in certain parts of Zambia, last Christmas was a time to share some joy. Read about the latest Africa Updates as gifts and supplies were shared around.

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HIM Family

Elevate! Hope Fest 2024

Elevating our connection with God and God and each other. Read more about Hope Fest 2024 for churches in UK in this edition of Advance.

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HIM Family

Unleavened and Unveiled

Cast off the old and embrace the beauty of redemption and resurrection. Find our more about Unleavened and Unveiled, Hope Kuala Lumpur’s Good Friday and Easter Celebration in this week’s Advance.

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