Hope International Ministries


Wilson and Lai Ling are founding pastors of Hope Church, a thriving multi-site church with its headquarters in Brisbane. Wilson is currently serving as President of HIM and oversees Hope churches in Oceania and North America.  Wilson is known for his lively, engaging expositional preaching, theological and leadership insights as well as apostolic father’s heart.  His passion is teaching, equipping leaders and building the church.  Wilson holds a PhD in Civil Engineering (Monash University) and a MTh (The University of Manchester). He was a research scientist with CSIRO. He also formerly served as a Bible College director and is currently the chairman of Australian Care & Trauma Services.  Lai Ling complements him in ministry with her passion in the areas of prophetic, intercession, pastoral care and counselling.  Together, they minister widely around the world today and founded a ministry equipping website wilsonlailing.com.  They have three adult children and 1 daughter-in-law.

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For Wilson & Lai Ling’s sermons, visit http://www.hope-church.com.au/sermon/

For Wilson’s sermon shorts, visit https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGPBvfTUJw_-Q9cPR3yDZOQ

For Wilson & Lai Ling’s blog and ministry equipping website, visit http://www.wilsonlailing.com