I have exciting news. We are revamping our Advance Newsletter. Now, our Advance Newsletter is a special magazine just for our family of churches. It tells you all about what’s happening amongst our churches. It tells you what’s happening on some of the key activities in our churches. It tells you some great testimonies. It tells you about mission trips and church planting. It tells you about what God is doing in all our family of churches. Now, we are revamping it and making it much more easily accessible to you. Now, it will look great on your smartphone. Not only that, you can do a lot more things with what you receive. You can subscribe, you can unsubscribe, you can share with your friends.
What I would like to ask you to do is to spread the word. We want to get as many people as possible from all our churches around the world reading this great news, great things that God is doing in our midst. So, I want to encourage you, spread the word. Let everybody find out about it.
One more thing, if you have great news, we want to hear about it. If you have great testimonies, activities, programs that your church is doing, we’d love to hear it. Share it with all our family of churches around the world. Send it to us. We would love to hear from you. God bless you!
Dr Wilson Lim
HIM Elder