HIM Global Prayer 2017 (Mar-Apr)

Dear fellow prayer warriors,

Praise God for a wonderful global conference in Bangkok last February 2017! Let’s be encouraged to continuously keep the fire for God burning strong in our hearts! We are a Great Commission apostolic-oriented family of churches. Our heart is to help fulfil the Great Commission with the Great Commandment at the core of our heart! Whilst taking appropriate actions to grow our churches, I believe we need to step up prayer and intercession in order to make greater progress in our God-given HIM mission.

Our continual dependence upon God helps release His anointing and freshness into our churches as we continue to expand and impact our localities, society and beyond. What better way than through the ministry of prayer and intercession; God’s tools availed to us, His children.
Four simple thoughts in stepping up prayer and intercession in our HIM churches.

  1. Start small. Let’s not despise the days of small beginnings (Zech 4:10). No matter what size church you are, you can begin forming a prayer team. Let prayer and intercession become like a canopy over your church. And as each church does her part, we are extending an umbrella of prayer and intercession over HIM family. By this we are seeking God’s face day in, day out, in all that He has called us to be and to do as a family of churches in this world.
  2. Be united. God’s blessings flow fully as we unite our hearts together in your local church, regional hub of churches and as a global family in prayer and intercession (Psa 133). Remember “TEAM”; “Together Everyone Achieves More”.
  3. Be participating in HIM global prayer and prayer focus at specific times of the year such that we flow together as a team. Encourage greater participation your local church corporate prayer meets and respective prayer equipping as well. Let us seek God fervently on a daily basis!
  4. Keep communicating. I would really appreciate testimonies of what God has been doing in your part of the world. How the Lord came through for your church as you all prayed and interceded. It is but just an email or whatsapp away. Such God-moment accounts shall glorify the Lord and spur us forward in the Lord.

Click here for the prayer focus for Mar-Apr 2017.

Lai Ling
