Victory through Water Baptism

For Hope Kuala Lumpur, it was an Easter season like no other as we celebrated the victory and resurrection of Jesus Christ alongside seven who decided to commit their heart and lives to God through water baptism on 2 April 2022.

Getting baptised is a response of obedience that symbolises a believer dying to their old self, sin, and death, and taking on a new life and purpose through being spiritually united to Christ; as Paul puts in in Galatians 3:26-17, where “in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.”

For Gina and Jonathan, despite being born into Christian families, having witnessed God’s work in their lives first hand, the decision to be water baptized now comes at their own will, and accompanied with deep desire to prioritize God in their lives. There’s also great joy for her parents when Rachel, in her last year of teen, decided to commit herself to follow God in her life journey. On the same day, we also witnessed Sin Yee who decided to say yes to water baptism despite having given her life to Jesus for many years. To her, it was a decision that came together with great conviction to declare the faithfulness of God and wanting to serve the Lord more. As for Gee Ngoo, even in her golden age, she has proven that it is never too late to proclaim one’s faith in Christ through water baptism as she looks forward to joy and peace in the Lord. And we continue to witness the power of unity in Life Group family, where Xin Yi and Boon Kiat having encouraged by the genuine spirit of togetherness of their life group members and leaders, and tasting the goodness of God through peace and comfort in difficult times, they now desire a different and closer relationship with God. From their stories, we know for sure that God is at work today, even as He was in the days of John the Baptist! Baptism affirms not only a believer’s devotion to Christ through a public proclamation of faith – it is also the church’s opportunity to witness their commitment in preserving the gospel and enlarging its ministry that will bless many others. Even more significantly, the physical step of faith in water baptism proclaims the victory of our Lord Jesus Christ over sin and death “…this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also—not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ” [1 Peter 3: 21]

May we all continue to fulfil the Great Commission of making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

All glory to God.
