Empowered to Impact

by Freedy Prajitna

On the 30th-31st of July 2022, Hope Church Melbourne hosted its annual church conference. The theme of the conference was “Impact”. The aim of the conference is to empower believers to make gospel-centred impacts in the communities of Melbourne and around the world. 

Ps Wilson Lim, our HIM President, was the guest speaker for this conference. All of the believers were blessed by his teachings throughout his three sessions. He shared inspiring stories about his mission trips to Africa and preached from Exodus 19 on Moses’s encounter with God at Mount Sinai. On Sunday’s session, many people responded at the altar call in his invitation to fulfill the Great Commission. Ps Wilson also spend numerous fellowship sessions with various leaders, training and encouraging them in their walk with God. 

Ps Matthew Wong and Ps Mark Rusic shared their hearts with believers and ministered powerfully with God’s word in their respective sessions. Anthony Gonzales had an impactful evening session with the youths. Various volunteers empowered our children to impact the lives of their friends and schools through the children’s sessions. 

The highlight of the conference was the water baptism held during the Sunday worship service. Ten believers – nine youths and one adult, made the decision to declare and affirm their commitments to follow Jesus Christ. Believers were greatly encouraged in witnessing this life-transforming event, hearing testimonies of individuals from various backgrounds, giving glory to God for His goodness and love over their lives. 

It was an impactful weekend for Hope Church Melbourne. Many believers were strengthened in their faith, trusting in God’s providence to use them to make impacts in their local communities. 
