Hope International Ministries

President’s Message: A Testimony and a Model to Others

By Ps Wilson Lim

Hi HIM Family, a new year is upon us and I would like to take this opportunity to share this Scripture that is in my heart right now.
It comes from 1 Thessalonians 1:6-8. It says here, “You became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. And so you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia. The Lord’s message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia—your faith in God has become known everywhere.”

I want you to encourage you to dig deep into the joy found in the Holy Spirit and let it fill your heart and even overflow. God is bigger than any difficulties that you may be facing in this year. May I challenge you to be like the Thessalonians.
Their strong faith became a testimony and their lives, a model to others. You can be a testimony and a model to others. So let’s determine to strengthen your walk and faith in God this year.

God has given us a mission to help fulfil the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to open your eyes to see the harvest and see how ripe it is. There’s so many people that are desperately needing Jesus Christ but not even realising it. That is why we have incredible Vision 2030, which is Transforming Lives Everywhere. And God can use you and I, wherever we are, wherever we go. We can do this by working towards 100,000 disciples and churches in 3,000 locations. God can make it possible, it is by the grace of God.

You see, it is God’s heartbeat to see His Kingdom expand and impact multitudes of lives. To do so, we need to do it God’s way. A key pillar of achieving this is by ensuring that we are faithful in mentoring others for maturity and multiplication. And to believe that every mentor can multiply at least 4 generations of mentors. We talked about this last year.
This year, we are emphasising, in addition, to complement it, that we need to grow and multiply small groups such as life groups and outreach groups. And when we are doing both of those aspects well, it will truly help us to win souls, make disciples, and build and plant churches wherever God leads us.

I also want to encourage all our leaders to participate in our online Leadership Development Programme (LDP). It is a fantastic way to be equipped by the best people in our family of churches. We have topics in 2023 that are covering Decision Making and Communication, we’ll talk about the Art of Mentoring, we’ll talk about Self Care and much more!

Check it out on our HIM website. Be equipped and be a more effective leader. And besides, it is freely available.
Also don’t forget, we will be having our Global Leadership Conference in Kuching, Malaysia in July from the 3rd to 7th. I am really looking forward to seeing so many of you over there. So may the Lord bless you and anoint you, may you be a testimony and a model to others around you. God bless you.
