Hope International Ministries

A Blessed Church Camp

In February 2023, our Family Church Camp, “Truly Friendship is God’s Gift,” was held in HIM Peru – South America after a hiatus of almost three years due to the global pandemic of Covid-19. Despite civil unrest and inflation in our country, we persevered in prayer and action to organize the camp and were grateful for God’s protection throughout.

Our theme was centered around being a blessing to our neighbors as we grow in our relationship with God, and we shared messages on encouraging and respecting each other based on biblical verses 1 Thessalonians 5:11 and Colossians 3:12-14. We had a turnout of 50 people, many of whom were non-believers and new friends, whom we were thankful to have met.

Our core team of Peruvian volunteers played an essential role in making the event a success, despite having limited resources. Our sisters led the praise and worship, and the teenagers assisted with multimedia and childcare, while also leading the children in their Bible study on the book of Genesis.

During the camp, two new couples, who we met virtually in 2022, shared their testimonies and were baptized, along with their children, consecrating their lives to the Lord. We rejoiced in their faith and commitment to God, and we are excited to welcome them as our new brothers and sisters in Christ.

Following the camp, our church attendance has grown, from an average of 12 people comprising mainly our core team, teenagers, and children, to an average of 30 people. We are hopeful that this growth will continue, and we are grateful for our teenagers’ willingness to serve and grow in their relationship with God.

We want to express our gratitude to our HIM Global Family for their prayers and support, and we believe that nothing among us is an accident. We give glory to God for the blessings we have received and look forward to the growth and impact our church will have in our community.
