HIM Singapore recently had a camp in a neighbouring country, Pulai Springs Johor Bahru, Malaysia. 33 attendees travelled across the border for their church camp and it is their second camp after celebrating Singapore’s 5th anniversary in November.
“Enlarging hearts, transforming communities” was the theme for this year’s camp which took place over three days, two nights. Inspired by Isaiah 54:2-3, the verse encapsulates the desire of personal and collective growth, cultivating a conviction to make impact in and through HIM Singapore, leaving a legacy for generations to come.
Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities.
Isaiah 54:2-3
Ps Joshua Chee from Hope Brisbane and Suzanna Wong flew in as key speakers for the program. The camp hosted two separate programmes for adults and youths running concurrently, with Ablaze seeing three male youths that HIM Singapore are fervently growing as part of the church’s vision and mission. The adults also saw one of their youngest attendee of two years old, Marco, and Angie and Esther from Hope Kuala Lumpur as part of the activities.
The camp began with a 6 a.m. call time as campers boarded their personal MPVs for an exciting one to two hour journey across the customs and were greeted with a buffet lunch at the resort. Ps Joshua Chee then opened with a session around “Our enlarged hearts reflect the heart of God”, that followed with a message from Suzanna Wong on “What it takes for the church to synergise”. The camp then plunged towards the next steps of “It is time” to transform lives and nations and lastly deep diving into a session of “Building the foundation” as a church.
Fun pool games were introduced in the midst of camp that pulled the church together to practise synergy; revealing hidden competitiveness and bonds in between. God truly broke through on the second last night of the camp as campers step forward for healing, prayer or dwelling in the warmth of His presence. And ended the night with a stenching car boot load of local durians and mangosteens in the open carpark.
Testimonies of God’s goodness broke through in words of affirmation and prayer, even back on Singapore grounds with small life groups. God is good for giving HIM Singapore another great year and they are sure to be hungry for more.
As Jaren and I were planning for Ablaze camp, God truly provided and equipped us to prepare sermons, leading worship and planning activities just between us. And even though we did not have a lot of time to sit and receive from God, God didn’t short change us because He showed me how He is building the foundations in Ablaze and I believe the youths understood the importance of keeping that hunger and fire alive. Moments I had with the rest of the church were also so deep, precious and refreshing and I was deeply encouraged.
Zuriel Ong, Ablaze Ministry
God reminded me that His love for me has always been there but due to past hurts, my heart was closed up. If I cannot open my heart to our Heavenly Father, how then can He pour His love and blessings through me to others? I felt the weight lighten as God poured His love over me and I think more blessings are on the way to the people around me.
Melissa Choo, LG3