From the 5th to the 7th of April, 228 delegates from Hope Church Brisbane, along with Hope Gold Coast and Hope Canberra, gathered at Watson Park Convention Centre for our annual CCM Conference! CCM, which stands for Campus Christian Movement, is the outreach arm of Hope Church on campus, focusing on discipling university students and young adults.
The theme this year was ‘Influencer’. Just as Jesus says in Matthew 5:14, we came to understand more about how we can become lights that shine His light to the world, like a light set on a hill that cannot be hidden.
In a display of God’s unity within His church, despite the differences in life stages among delegates, from high school students to young adults, we saw everyone enjoy games, fellowship, and hearing His Word. Beyond the fun and games, it was also a time when many were blessed by our speakers, and a great move of God touched the hearts of young people. Stronger convictions were built, breakthroughs occurred, and God spoke and moved in the hearts of His disciples. We had the privilege of hearing from our local preachers such as Pastor Joshua and Jason, and we were also blessed to hear God’s Word through our guest preacher, Pastor Arthur from Faith Community Church!
In addition to the sessions, there were workshops addressing more specific areas of how we, as followers of Christ, can be the light to this world. We were blessed by many individuals across different life stages and work environments who shared their experiences on how they juggle this command from God with their everyday work and life. It was an amazing time as our delegates were able to learn from these individuals’ wisdom and experience to encourage their own walks with God.
Additionally, we saw 13 people choose to get water baptised and publicly declare their commitment to follow Jesus! All glory to God! We also witnessed many receive Holy Spirit baptism and different gifts by the grace of God.
God is still moving in our youth, and this conference is a testament to that truth! Keep your ears and eyes open for more news about how God is moving among the university students and young adults here in Brisbane. The CCM Conference will return next year!