Hope International Ministries

Hope Adelaide: Easter 2017

Easter Sunday is one of the biggest outreach days for churches in Australia. A lot of preparation had gone into this Big Day in Hope Church Adelaide. We had just finished a successful and inspiring CCM student camp and a Good Friday service, and the people were ready for a celebration on Sunday! We have been praying for a full house and record attendance for Easter Sunday and God did not disappoint!

By 8:00 am the early morning intercession and music team were already on their knees to God. “Please Lord bless our service today!” By 10:30 am, the room was full of greetings and excitement ready for a great time with God.

Overall, it was a delightful and yet convicting service with a kids singing item and two video presentations and a message at the end.

Pastor Helen preached a powerful sermon on ‘The Resurrection Changes Everything’. Many people responded to the altar call and the spiritual atmosphere was charged with faith! Many people went away after the service refreshed and strengthened.

After the service, there were lots of activities for people to build connection and have fun! There was a pop up photo booth with props to take instant snaps with friends and family, a jumping castle and face painting for the kids (and the young at heart). We even managed to block off the car park entrance and have outdoor tables and chairs with umbrellas for the mums and dads to enjoy hot cross buns in the afternoon sun. There was also a huge Easter Egg hunt for all the kids to run like crazy and find as much chocolate as possible.

We praise God for an awesome weekend and we are believing God for a fruitful year in Adelaide. Please pray that the Lord will continue to send labourers to the harvest field!

Luke 10:2 NKJV Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest”.

Hope Church Adelaide
